Friday, December 12, 2008

Back to the Past, Please.

The Education Minister said that the ministry is going to "carefully study the facts and information to be entered into history textbooks to instill patriotism among the young generation."

I'm wondering what changes they are going to make to the syllabus. As of now, I'm very perplexed with the contents of the subject. The subject is only introduced in secondary school, starting from Form 1 - and the students get it in bulk. Yeah, all the details about Malaysian history in lower secondary and wham! Suddenly they come face to face with 'world history' as they step up to upper secondary. Have the students been getting any basic on the world history anytime earlier in their school years ? I don't think so.

What the ministry should do, immho (of course ;-)), is to go back to what was done in the past. Start teaching history (Malaysia plus world and all) in primary school but start from the basic. Durng my time, we were taught about world civilisation etc but only the basic stuff. I knew about the 7 wonders of the world back then, GenghisKhan, Alexander The Great, to name a few. Then we progressed to the more detailed stuff of what he had learned earlier on. By the time we got to higher level, learning History wasn't that difficult (at least for yours truly).

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