Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Alternative Treatment

Ahnaf hadn't been feeling well in the past week. Thankfully he's okay now.

It started out after we went to the clinic on Sunday (14th Dec) as he's been quite feverish since the day before. After buying the newspapers at Pustaka Mas, Ayoh passed him back to me but Ahnaf refused to come to me - he probably wanted to stay behind the wheel. Well, he started crying and crying which was quite normal at first. Then he wouldn't even stop when we arrived at home and I took him inside. Ayoh was already going to Lemal and I didn't think to stop him as I thought Ahnaf would stop crying once he's inside the house.

Anyway, Ahnaf didn't stop crying - he even got worse! I felt quite panicky. Abah and Umi were understandbly worried as Ahnaf was crying like he was 'possessed'. They tried reciting a few doa's and Qurabic verses etc while I struggled to calm him down. After Abah had called out for 'adzan' for the second time, then only Ahnaf started to subside. He was probably tiring out after crying non-stop for half an hour. I was beginning to feel exhausted too!

For the next few nights, Ahnaf was not able to sleep well. He kept waking up, crying out loud and evn had Abah & Umi out of their bed at 2 am that one night for crying so loud. Worried that 'something' had gotten into him, we decided to try Ustaz Nik Dir's help. So we went to his house at Wakaf Bharu on Wednesday morning for him to 'baca doa' and give that alternative treatment to help ward off whatever it was. Took Ahmad 'Ainul along too - to 'cure' his aggressiveness, of course, or at least to lessen it.

Ahmad 'Ainul and Ustaz Nik Dir

Ahnaf just wouldn't sit still!

Ahnaf's turn now

Thankfully Ahnaf got better after a few days and looks 'Ainul is improving as well. Berkat doa sume ... Alhmadulillah. I'm grateful to everyone, especially Abah and Umi for being so helpful during the ordeal.

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